It was a beautiful sunny day in March. The year was 2000. My neighbor, Sal, had lost yet another dog in his life. I remember his 3 dogs. I felt bad for him and wanted to
get him another dog. We called the shelters and they wouldn't allow an 86 year old to adopt a puppy. They said if I put it in my name and was the owner than we could.
We went to North Shore Animal League. We didn't find the one that spoke out to us....yet. So I asked if they had any in the back that we haven't seen? The girl brought out Bella and said well, she's not as pretty as the others. That made me want her more. She was pretty to me. I didn't know what she meant by that. Bella had a black muzzle and perhaps it was that. I didn't question what she meant. But I took Bella and began to play with her. She was only 2 months old. As big as my foot. She seemed playful and inquisitive. So, Sal agreed we would adopt her and on the car ride home I asked Sal to choose a name for her. He was an Italian man and he named her Bella. I asked him why Bella? He said: I don't know. It means Beautiful in Italian. So, I liked it and said OK. We made an agreement that he could raise her in his apt. We lived on the same floor. We spoke about if he died, I would take her and raise her since she really was in my name. Sal raised Bella for two years. But for those two years, I went into his apt. every day to see him and Bella. I loved playing with Bella, watching her grow. Sal and I agreed that if he passed away I would take Bella into my apt. I even had him sign a piece of paper for me because I knew my Landlord was trouble. I walked Bella, I even took her to the vet whenever she was sick. Sal was old fashioned. He didn't believe too much in Vets so he never paid me anything when I took her. But I didn't care. I loved Bella.

Bella loved chasing squirrels. She loved just sitting outside and greeting all the people that passed by. Everyone loved Bella and would said hello to her. Sal told me that Bella knew when it was 5:00 pm every day. I asked him what do you mean?
He said Bella knows when you're coming home from work. Every day at 5:00 pm she runs to sit on my lap in the bedroom where I look out the window because she's looking for you. She knows you're coming home from work soon. And sure enough every day when I came home there was Bella looking out the window on Sal's lap. She would bark and immediately jump and fly off his lap to the door! haha
Everyone in the building loved Bella. We actually would play ball with her in the hallway and anyone who came through the lobby was greeted by Bella and her ball and they would all play with her. Bella was a great ball player. She was a great pitcher, you could throw the ball high up in the air and she would back up like a pitcher and catch it in her mouth. She also loved when you kicked the ball. She was like a goalie in a hockey game, she would watch the angle of your foot and how you would kick the ball, so it was very hard to get the ball passed her. I would go in and visit with them.
Sal grew older and sicker. He soon needed an aide. I would walk Bella every day. Sal eventually got really sick one day. Bella saw the whole thing. The EMTs came and Sal got rushed into the hospital and was in a coma. He never made it through. It seemed like during Sal's last days Bella wanted to go home with me and didn't even want to stay with Sal. Maybe she knew he was dying, I don't know. A few times I caught Sal hitting her and I didn't like that. I told him to please not do that, she's just a puppy. I know he loved her, but I really didn't like seeing that and I told him how much that bothered me. I know he didn't mean it. He thought he was disciplining her. I believe he didn't do it often. Part of me wanted to take her away from him, and yet the other part of me knew I gave Bella to him to raise because I felt sorry for him that he lost his dogs and he seemed sad without one. All I know is that she seemed so sad for me to leave and she didn't want to go in Sal's apt. anymore. At one point, she would always go to my door but I had to bring her and leave her with Sal. When Sal died, I took Bella in my apartment. She never looked back it seems. She seemed to love being in my apartment from day one. I like to think that somehow she knew I had adopted her and was her owner even though the first two years of her life she lived with Sal. The Landlord immediately sent me an eviction notice the very next day. He said this is Sal's dog, not yours. I hired a pet attorney and won the case. There was no way I was going to give up on Bella or live without her by my side. Anyway, the years went on and I truly loved Bella. She became old and had a tumor, became blind and got diabetes. I felt so bad she could no longer play ball or chase squirrels or see anything anymore. But she knew her home.
Bella helped me very much emotionally. She was there for me. When I cried she licked my tears. When I was sad she knew it. When I was mad she left me alone and walked in another room. When I wanted a hug, she was there for me. When I was happy she knew it. Sometimes you can just share your feelings and say things with a dog that you can't share with anyone and they just have a way of comforting you. We just had a strong bond between us. I would speak to her like a human being and she knew things I would say. A lot of people in the bldg. couldn't believe how smart she was. She was the smartest dog I ever had. Bella was friendly and whenever I would tell her to say "hello" she would go up to people and say "hello" and wag. I taught her how to "high five"! :) If I wanted to throw the ball I would say "back up" and she did...she was so cute. Sit, lay down, roll over, give me kiss, "go get the ball", "where's the squirrel". She would go nuts with that one. She loved squirrels. She loved squeaky toys and boy, did she love all the treats I would buy her. Bella also loved playing in the snow.
Every night I said: Say Goodnight Bella. I love you. See you in the morning. She truly was my best friend.
I kept telling Bella to let me know when it's time because I didn't want her to die alone and I didn't want her to be in pain or suffer. I wanted to be there with her and she did let me know.
The night I came home from visiting my Mom there she was lying under my bed.
She never lied under my bed like that. I could just tell she didn't seem right. I tried to give her some food and water, but she couldnt even lift her head up anymore. She had no more energy left in her but she was still breathing and she did lick my fingers.
So I had to take her by myself to have her put to sleep. I'll never forget carrying her out to the taxi cab wrapped in a blanket knowing this was the last time I would see her. Her head was resting on my neck and shoulder in the taxi cab. I knew this was it. We were saying goodbye to each other.
The saddest day of my life. I will never forget you, Bella. You brought me so much joy, and love, and laughter. You gave me unconditional love and helped me in so many ways. I miss you every single day. Not a day goes by I dont think of you.
I still cry and wish you were here to comfort me. I still wish I could hold you
and pet you and play with you and talk to you. I remember a few days before you passed away I was laying in my bed and looking down at you sleeping next to me on the floor. I remember saying to myself, this is all I need. This is what I love. Just being
here with you.
It was a beautiful sunny day in September. The year was 2012.
I buried Bella in Bide-a-Wee cemetary with my first dog, Sparky.
They both have stones with their names on it.
I hope I see both of them again in Heaven.
Bella was my strength, my friend, my comfort till the end.
Merry Christmas, Bella. You will always be in my heart.