I may love David Archuleta for different reasons than others.
I think everyone has a unique story in the way in which David came into
their lives and how he touched them.
I not only love his voice and music, but I love him as a person.
His personality and mostly, his great and humble character has taught me a lot.
He is a very thoughtful, giving, caring person.
Each day he makes me want to be a better person.
Each day he makes me look at myself...my flaws and what I need to work on.
He has helped me grow more in my faith and depend on it even more.
I respect him immensely for who he is and how grounded he is.
If I thought anything would upset him or disrespect him or make him feel uncomfortable,
I wouldn't do it. I care too much about him as a person.
I've watched and listened to his many interviews online, seen him in concert on stage,
and met him in person several times. I love how he feels the music and the song and interprets lyrics enough to know what an absolutely beautiful human being he is.
He is the most non-judgmental person I have ever encountered, and he treats each and
every person with respect. That is why I feel he deserves the most respect in return.
The songs and lyrics he chooses to sing and the ones he's written are always
uplifting and inspiring to me.
I don't like putting him on a pedestal because I feel he is very much human and goes through the same ups and downs we all do. I feel he has insecurities, happy moments, sad moments, and goes through hard times in life, just like we all do. But I do know that he instills in me the art of acceptance, no regrets, trials, pushing ahead, putting one foot in front of the other, and learning from my mistakes.
I cannot share my personal story online of what he's really done for me. Perhaps it's too personal or too sacred to me. I've written him. He knows how I feel, and that is enough for me. His songs have helped me through some of my darkest days.
personality just as much as his music.