Think about it, we don't turn to God half as much when things are happy.
We usually turn to God when we are upset, or hurt, or angry, or feeling
stressful, or worried. So don't resent those hard times because they are
there for a reason. Every time you are hurting or upset or angry it is teaching
you something about yourself. So if we only had happy and joyful times we
wouldn't learn as much would we? Those hard times bring us closer to God.
Those hard times teach us more about patience and enduring. Those hard
times teach us to look in the mirror at ourselves. Every time you want to blame
someone for how you're feeling...look within. It's teaching you something about
yourself and that is where your hidden beauty lies, your blessings when you
truly take the time to look within. I thank God for these moments because I
know I learn the most from them. It's good to be happy but I don't feel we turn
to God and talk to him half as much as when we are hurting.
The bad times help us appreciate the good times even more so, so that when
they do occur I turn more and more to God to thank him for them.
I wake up and talk to God. I sometimes talk to God throughout the day.
I could be just walking to the store and I talk to him, or riding the subway and
I think of him. He is the constant in my life that I keep turning to.
So have patience with yourself through the good times and the bad times.